Journal of Education and Learning; Vol. 10, No. 6; 2021
ISSN 1927-5250 E-ISSN 1927-5269
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education
Designing Standards-Setting for Levels of Mathematical Proficiency
in Measurement and Geometry: Multidimensional Item Response
Sudarat Phaniew
, Putcharee Junpeng
& Keow Ngang Tang
Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand
Institute for Research and Development in Teaching Profession for ASEAN, Khon Kaen University, Khon
Kaen, Thailand
Correspondence: Putcharee Junpeng, Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen 40002, Thailand.
Received: September 1, 2021 Accepted: October 3, 2021 Online Published: October 25, 2021
doi:10.5539/jel.v10n6p103 URL:
This study intends to design and verify the quality of a model that measures mathematical proficiency and aims
to set the standards in measuring levels of proficiency in the subjects of measurement and geometry. Construct
modeling was employed to design a mathematical proficiency measurement model which consists of the
mathematical process and the dimensions of a conceptual structure. A total of 517 Secondary Year 1 students
were selected from the big data to participate as test-takers. Design-based research encompassing four phases
was used to verify the quality of the mathematical proficiency measure ment model. A Mu ltidimensio nal Random
Coefficient Multinomial Logit model was used to examine the standards-setting of the mathematical proficiency
measurement model. The results indicated that the two dimensions of mathematical proficiency can be further
divided into five levels, from non-response/irrelevance to strategic/extended thinking and extended abstract
structure for mathematical process and conceptual structural dimensions, respectively. The assessment tool
covers 18 items with 15 multiple-choice items and three subjective items in measurement and geometry.
Moreover, the results also demonstrated that the validity evidence associated with the internal structure of the
multidimensional model is fit. Besides, reliability evidence, as well as item fit, is compliance with the quality of
the mathematical proficiency measurement model as illustrated in analysis of the standard error of measurement
and in fit and outfit of the items. Finally, the researchers managed to set standards for the mathematical
proficiency measurement model based on the a ssessment criterion results from the Wright Map. In conclusion,
the standards-setting of the mathematical proficiency measurement model provides substantial information,
particularly for measuring those students who a re above the lowest level of mathematical proficiency because the
error for estimating proficiency was low.
Keywords: measurement and geometry, mathematical proficiency level, Multidimensional Item Response
Model, standards-setting
1. Introduction
Mathematical proficiency is defined as a student’s capability to search, speculate, and think logically in the
cognitive process to comprehend how to solve a mathematical problem by using appropriate strategies to solve
problems and replicate the procedure used to solve the problems (Adom, Mensah, & Dake, 2020; Junpeng,
Inprasitha, & Wilson, 2018; Junpeng et al., 2020a). Current mathematics teaching and learning emphasizes the
complexity of problem-solving and critical thinking that goes beyond computations and p rocedures (Corrêa &
Haslam, 2020/21). Kilpatrick, Swafford and Findell (2001) identified five mathematical competencies for
student learning, namely conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, adaptive reasoning, strategic competence,
and productive disposition. Even though these competencies are widely discussed throughout mathematical
literature, little is mentioned about assessment practices that could be used to assess these five mathematical
competencies (Corrêa & Haslam, 2020/21).
Past researchers (Pai, 2018; Straumberger, 2018; Swan & Foster, 2018) suggested that holistic assessments to
identify students’ areas of improvement can inform mathematics teachers’ teaching practices toward students’
development of mathematical proficiency. Currently, there is increasing attention on integrating mathematical Journal of Education and Learning Vol. 10, No. 6; 2021
modeling in school mathematics. In this way, students are given opportunities to apply mathematical
proficiencies in different situations including daily tasks and real-life problems (Yenmeza, Erbas, Cakiroglu,
Alacaci, & Cetinkaya, 2017). Yenmez a et al. emphasized that assessment plays an essential role in the
mathematical modeling process because it informs mathematics teachers in providing a clearer perspective of
students’ mathematical p roficiency levels in their learning development.
The report of P rogram for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2018 showed that Thai students obtained a
score of 419, which was below the average score (489) of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) and were in 66th position out of 79 countries (OECD, 2018). Moreover, results from the
Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) assessment in mathematics showed that Thai
students received a lower average score of 431, which was found to be consistent with scores from the National
Basic Educational Test (O-NET). It was reported that the average score for Secon dary Year 3 p ublic examination
at the national level in 2019 had the lowest average score of 26.73 in the subject of mathematics. Furthermore,
the topic of measurement and geometry had the lowest performance with a mean score of 26.93 (National
Educational Testing Institute, 2020). Measurement and geometry topic is a branch of mathematics that deals with
the properties of shapes, points, space, positions or angles, and patterns. Generally, the topic of measurement and
geometry covers 20 to 30 per cent of the test for Secondary Year 1 mathematics. According to Pai (2018),
studying geometry helps to develop students’ problem-solving skills and spatial reasoning and can be useful in
many industries.
However, the ability of mathematics teachers to assess students’ mathematical proficiency levels is inherently
difficult, particularly in measurement and geometry, because they need to possess knowledge and skills about
what needs to be assessed and how to go about assessing students w ork concerning the intended goals of the
task (Maoto, Masha, & Mokwana, 2018). Therefore, Maoto et al. emphasized the importance of using authentic
real-life mathematics explorations to improve the quality of teaching and learning mathematics. In this line of
reasoning, the current study intended to analyze 517 Secondary Year 1 students responses in a recognized
assessment tool to determine the standards of mathematical proficiency in measurement and geometry. This was
followed by designing and formulating a mathematical pro ficiency measurement model using the Rasch model.
Finally, the researchers examined the quality of the devised mathematical proficiency measurement model
before designing and determining mathematical proficiency assessment standards using a multidimensional test
response model. This study is unique as the major research outcome is to provide a sound mathematical
proficiency measurement model through setting standards in levels of mathematical proficiency in measurement
and geometry. This can assist mathematics teachers to separate their students according to their mathematical
proficiency levels whenever they are assessing their students using this measurement model.
2. Method
The researchers employed construct modeling (Wilson, 2005) that inserting pedagogy and curriculum when
designing the mathematical proficiency measurement model. Design-based research encompassing four phases
(Reeves, 2006; Vongvanich, 2020) was applied as the research design in this study. A total of 517 Secondary
Year 1 were selected from big data and who participated in taking the mathematics test in a quiz format during
semester 2, in the academic year 2019. The big data were derived from the Assessment Report for Learning with
the distribution capabilities of various mathematical proficiency levels from four regions of Thailand, namely
North, Central, South, and Northeast (Junpeng, Marwiang, Chiajunthuk, Suwannatrai, Krotha, & Chanayota,
2020b). The Mu ltidimensional Random Coefficient Multinomial Logit Model (Adam, Wilson, & Wang, 1997)
was used to validate the quality of the mathematical proficiency measurement model.
2.1 Phase 1: Exploring Students’ Responses
The researchers explored secondary data from the big data an d aiming to prepare data for use in setting
assessment standards through the creation of intersection. A test adapted from the digital tool for diagnostic
mathematical proficiency from Junpeng et al.’s (2020b) was used. This is a recognized analytical assessment tool
used nationwide by Acer ConQuest 2.0 (Wu, Adam, Wilson, & Haldane, 2007). The test comprised 18 items
from the topic of measurement and geometry, with 15 multiple-choice items and three subjective items. The
three subjective questions were distributed into two dimensions, namely mathematical p rocess (MAP) and
conceptual structural (SLO) dimensions, utilizing the construct modeling approach (Wilson, 2005) as a
foundation for the development of a mathematical proficiency measurement model and its quality inspections.
The 517 Secondary Year 1 students’ answers in the test were then explored. Journal of Education and Learning Vol. 10, No. 6; 2021
2.2 Phase 2: Designing and Formulating the Mathematical Proficiency Measurement Model
The researchers used the Rasch model, which offers a better method of measurement construct by giving a
maximum likelihood es timate (MLE), to compare the transition and the raw score s of each student from the first
phase. In addition, the researchers held several substantial discussions with an expert in the field of educational
measurement and evaluation, Secondary Year 1 students, teachers of mathematics and the students’ parents,
before designing and formulating assessment standards o f mathematical proficiency levels in measurement and
2.3 Phase 3: Examining the Quality of the Mathematical Proficiency Measurement Model
The researchers examined the quality of the assessment standards of mathematical proficiency levels using
educational and psychological testing standards (AERA, APA, & NCME, 2014). The internal structure of the
mathematical proficiency measu rement model was tested for accuracy using the multidimensional mod el
through the Likelihood Ratio Chi-Squared (Wilson & De Boeck, 2004), the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC)
(Yao & Schwarz, 2006), and the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) (Schwarz, 1978). This was followed by
inspecting the reliability of the mathematical proficiency measurement model through measurement of
consistency, which are Expected-A-Posteriori (EAP/PV) reliability, Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient, and Standard
Error of Measurement (SEM) (Junpeng, 2018).
2.4 Phase 4: Examining Students’ Mathematical Proficiency Levels for Standards Setting
In the final phase, the researchers used the developed mathematical proficiency measurement model for 517
Secondary Year 1 students. The researchers collected data from students’ responses on the topic of measurement
and geometry. This was followed by using the Multidimensional Item Response model (Adams, Wilson, &
Wang, 1997) to estimate each student’s mathematical proficiency level through the MLE method.
3. Results
3.1 Construct Maps of Students’ Mathematical Proficiency Levels
The researchers developed two construct maps of levels of mathematical proficiencies based on the students’ test
results as shown in Figure 1. The researchers referred to the progress maps of Junpeng, Krotha, Chanayota, Tang,
and Wilson (2019) that describe five levels of MAP dimension, namely non-response/irrelevance, unrecalled
memory, basic memory and reproduction, simple skills and concept, and strategic/extended thinking. On the
other hand, the SLO dimension was adopted from the SOLO taxonomy. This is a model used to identify,
describe, or explain the level of understanding to determine the quality level of students’ learning results
(Junpeng et al., 2020a). According to the recommendation of Briggs and Collis (1982), researchers divided the
SLO dimension into five levels from extended abstract structure, relation structure / multistructure, unistructure,
and pre-structure to non-response/irrelevance.
High MAP
4 Strategic/Extended Thinking
3 Simple Skill and Concept
2 Basic Memory and Reproduction
High SLO
4 Extended Abstract Structure
3 Relation structure/ Multistructure
Figure 1. Construct maps Journal of Education and Learning Vol. 10, No. 6; 2021
3.2 Structural Model Analysis of the Mathematical Proficiency Measurement Model
After the researchers obtained the information described in the construct map, each item was scored with
multiple values (polytomous scoring). A specific scoring was used to assess students’ mathematical proficiency
in terms of MAP and SLO dimensions according to students’ responses. The grades that students received
ranged from 0 to 4 points in each dimension. The results were found to be consistent with the student’s responses
in a real-world context.
Next, the researchers conducted structur al model analysis and interpretation to validate the internal structure of
the assessment tool in terms of its accuracy in the two mathematical proficiency dimensions. A multidimensional
model with ConQuest 2.0 (Wu, Adams, Wilson, & Haldane, 2 007) was used to separate the test items for the
respective dimensions by comparing each student’s approximated parameter of his or h er mathematical
proficiency level based on his or her responses to the estimated parameter set by researchers. The mathematical
proficiency measurement model showed that there were nine questions separated equally to the MAP and SLO
dimensions. The MAP dimension consists of items 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 17, and 18; the SLO dimension
comprises items 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 14, 15, and 16. Figure 2 illustrates the result of the internal structure for the
multidimensional model for diagnosing mathematical proficiencies.
i6 i7
i2 i3
i14 i15
Figure 2. MAP and SLO dimensions of the mathematical proficiency measurement model
3.3 Quality Inspection of the Mathematical Proficiency Measurement Model
The researchers continued to test the quality of the mathematical proficiency measurement model using
educational and psychological testing standards (AERA, APA, & NCME, 2014). The results proved that three
pieces of evidence indicated that the quality of the mathematical proficiency measurement model was meeting
the criteria at an acceptable level. The first evidence was internal structure validity, which was found to be
consistent with the empirical data (χ
=3.86;df=2;p = 0.01). Moreover, the Likelihood-Ratio showed that the
mathematical proficiency measurement model harmonized with the data (G2 = 10031.45; AIC = 10088.43; BIC
= 10088.43). The second evidence was indicated by expected-a-posteriori (EAP/PV) reliability. The EAP/PV
reliability of MAP and SLO dimensions was equal to 0.796 and the standard error of measurement (SEM) was
between 0.100 to 0.152, implying that the estimate was moderately inaccurate. The final evidence was u sing a
statistical analysis of the appropriateness of each item of the multidimensional random coefficient multinomial
logit, which uses the multidimensional form of partial credit model by ConQuest 2.0 (Wilson, 2005) to check the
quality of item fit. The suitability of each question (INFIT MNSQ) was between 0.81 to 1.50. Therefore, the
result of the INFIT MNSQ value fulfils the acceptable criteria range of 0.75 to 1.33. Table 1 shows the statistic
analysis of item fit. As a result, the researchers concluded that the mathematical proficiency measurement model
is a quality measurement model. Journal of Education and Learning Vol. 10, No. 6; 2021
Table 1. Results of item fit statistic analysis
Dimension Item Difficulty Threshold Level
MAP 5 -1.72 -1.72
6 -0.67 -0.67
7 -0.20 -0.20
8 0.13 0.13
9 -0.79 -0.79
10 0.08 0.08
13 0.53 0.53
17 2.62 2.62
18 2.24 2.24
Mean -1.72 -0.55 0.25 2.43
SLO 1 -1.30 -1.30
2 -1.26 -1.26
3 0.39 0.39
4 2.43 2.43
11 -0.70 -0.70
12 0.16 0.16
14 0.38 0.38
15 0.29 0.29
16 1.82 1.82
Mean 1.28 0.70 0.31 2.13
3.4 Results of Determination of the Intersection Points in Assessing Students’ Mathematical Proficiency Level
After the researchers examined internal structure using the co nstruct map, they continued to determine the
intersection points using the criterion zone of the Wright Map. The Wright Map is a graphical representation that
links item difficulties and students’ mathematical capability estimates on a common scale. Therefore, a Wright
Map was used to show how well item difficulty distribution matches estimates of student ca pability (Kantahan,
Junpeng, Punturat, Tang, Gochyyev, & Wilson, 2020). The Wright Maps showed that both dimensions of the
mathematical proficiency measurement model can be used as direct evidence of the test content. As a result, the
intersection points were obtained concerning the criterion zone that appeared on the Wright Map as intervals. In
this line of reasoning, the researchers defined the mathematical proficiency levels in both MAP and SLO
dimensions of the measurement model.
The mean threshold of each dimension of mathematical proficiency level was used to formulate a
standard-setting of the mathematical proficiency measurement model. The transition point was computed from
the mean of item thresholds in each level of the dimension, as illustrated in Table 1. Then, researchers
formulated the assessment standards by calculating the transition together with consideration of the criteria area
on the Wright Map for each mathematical proficiency level. This was determined by the mean threshold at the
same level for the two dimensions of mathematical pro ficiency.
The results from determination the cut-off point in assessing the mathematical proficiency of the students’ test
from the big data revealed that the transition in their test results can be divided into four cut-off points of five
levels in ascending order. For example, the intersections of MAP dimension were found from Level 1 to 2, Level
2 to 3, Level 3 to 4, and Level 4 to 5 as -1.72, -0.55, 0.25, and 2.43 respectively. On the other hand, the
intersections of the SLO dimension were identified from Level 1 to 2, Level 2 to 3, Level 3 to 4, and Level 4 to 5
as -1.28, -0.70, 0.31, and 2.13 respectively. Figure 3 elucidates the use of the Wright Map to determine the
transition point by setting the criteria area so that researchers can make a comparison of students and items, to
understand in detail the measurement of mathematical proficiency (Lunz, 2010). Journal of Education and Learning Vol. 10, No. 6; 2021
Figure 3. The intersection points in eac h dimension from the Wright Map
3.5 Results of Students’ Mathematical Proficiency Levels Using a Multidimensiona l Test Response Model
The researchers designed the standards-setting for a mathematical proficiency measurement model according to
the assessment criterion results from the Wright Map. Hence, the researchers concluded a total of five score
ranges, which are converted from estimation mathematical competency parameters into scale scores and raw
scores, respectively. The overall results of the 517 Secondary Year 1 students’ mathematical proficiency level in
terms of the two dimensions are presented in Table 2. However, the students’ test results indicated that they did
not meet the minimum level. In other words, no student is at the lowest level.
In this line of reasoning, students’ mathematical proficiency standards were measured in five levels of MAP and
SLO dimensions, respectively. The criteria for diagnosing mathematical proficiency in each dimension was
following the intersection point to group students’ mathematical proficiency levels according to the classification
of Junpeng et al. (2019). The results showed that those students who obtain their logits lower than -1.28 and
-1.72 in MAP a nd SLO dimensions, respectively are considered to have the lowest level of mathematical
proficiency. On the other hand, if their logits are greater than 2.13 and 2.43, in respect of the MAP and SLO
dimensions, they are considered to have the highest level of mathematical proficiency.
Level 2
evel 3
Level 1
Level 4
Level 5
Level 2
Level 3
Level 1
Level 4
Level 5
-1.72 Journal of Education and Learning Vol. 10, No. 6; 2021
Table 2. Results of determination of mathematical proficiency standards
Dimension Competency level Intersection θθrange Scale scores Raw scores
MAP Strategic/Extended thinking (5) 2.13 >2.13 >70.30 89
Simple skill and concept (4) 0.31 0.31<θ2.13 53.1070.30 57
Basic memory and reproduction (3) -0.70 -0.70<θ0.31 47.0053.09 4
Unrecalled memory (2) -1.28 -1.28<θ-0.70 32.8146.99 3
Non-response/Irrelevance (1) <-1.28 <32.81 02
SLO Extended abstract structure (5) 2.43 >2.43 >74.30 89
Relation structure/Multistructure (4) 0.25 0.25<θ2.43 52.5074.30 57
Unistructure (3) -0.55 -0.55<θ0.24 44.5052.49 4
Pre-structure (2) -1.72 -1.72<θ-0.56 32.8044.49 23
Non-response/Irrelevance (1) <-1.72 <32.80 01
4. Discussion
The major intention of this study is to set the standards of a mathematical proficiency measurement model within
the topic of measurement and geometry. As mentioned by Yenmeza et al. (2017), the assessment is an integral
part of the mathematical proficiency measurement model. The standards used in the form of assessment can
provide a valuable direct source of feedback. The results of this study revealed that intersection points in
assessing students’ mathematical proficiency level were determined as five levels with four intersection points
from the lowest to the highest at -1.72, -0.55, 0.25, and 2.43 for MAP dimension and -1.28, -0.70, 0.31, and 2.31
for SLO dimension. This implies that the assessment tool has successfully assessed and separated the test-takers
according to their level of mathematical proficiency. Therefore, the researchers concluded that this mathematical
proficiency measurement model is a sound measurement tool because it has been examined through a substantial
and scientific methodology to clearly describe the five levels of mathematical proficiency through setting
standards based on the Wright Map from big data (Junpeng et al., 2020a).
Furthermore, the mathematical proficiency measurement model has been inspected for its quality utilizing three
pieces of evidence in terms of validity, reliability, and item fit. This study implies that the mathematical
proficiency measurement model can provide sufficient information about those students who are at intermediate
to high levels of mathematical proficiency than those at the low level. This is reflected in the results of SEM
value for estimating latent ability in MAP and SLO dimensions, which was at the lowest range of logits
(Kantahan et al., 2020). As past researchers have argued, dimensions of mathematical pro ficiency are not unique
to mathematics but play an important role in the establishment of new ideas and structures within mathematics
(Maoto et al., 2018), this mathematical proficiency measurement model should provide insight into students’
ability to engage with MAP and SLO dimensions. Moreover, this result corresponds with that of Ju npeng et al.
(2020b), who found that their d igital tool for diagnosing mathematical proficiency can provide fruitful
information, especially to those Secondary Year 1 students with intermediate and high levels of mathematical
proficiency. The results confirmed that mathematical proficiency levels can be appropriately measured using a
multidimensional item response model, as confirmed by Kantahan et al. (2020). The multidimensional item
response model is a wide-ranging and flexible model that the researchers would like to suggest to future scholars,
as it designs matrices to denote the relationship between responses to the items and structural parameters for the
assumed measurement situation. Finally, the researchers would like to propose to the Ministry of Education,
Thailand, that this measurement model is introduced to mathematics teachers so that they can learn how to
utilize the measurement model to assess their students’ level of proficiency.
This research and innovation activity is funded by National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) (Research
Project No: 2564NRCT322167). The authors gratefully acknowledge the use of service and facilities of the
Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen 40002, Thailand.
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